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Do you know an everyday hero? Someone who serves the community, bring smiles to others? Volvo is looking to recognize a few of those heroes. The top prize? A car for life!... posted on Feb 20 2003, 1,342 reads


He was the top man in the CIA for his artistic genius -- he used to create disguises for spies. Now, he uses his skills to help people feel better about themselves and more at ease in the world. Prosthetic artist Robert Barron creates new noses, eyes, ears and hands for people who have lost them to disease or injury, or who never had them in the first place. His talent and craftsmanship are stagg... posted on Feb 19 2003, 1,229 reads


When two people are in close proximity, one's electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is registered in the other's electroencephalogram (EEG). In other words, one person's heartbeat signal is registered in the other person's brainwaves, and vice versa ... even without any physical contact! ... posted on Feb 18 2003, 1,032 reads


... posted on Feb 17 2003, 556 reads


... posted on Feb 16 2003, 832 reads


'Give Something Back' is a for-profit office supply company, with a twist. They have donated 92% of its after-tax profits to community-based organizations — more than 68 times the national corporate average. With more than 2 million dollars in donations, they are one of America's 10 most generous companies. And it all started with Sean Marx and Mike Hannigan making sales calls out of their liv... posted on Feb 15 2003, 809 reads


Everyday 24,000 people die simply because of inadequate access to basic health care. That amounts to over 8.8 million people who die due to completely avoidable health causes. At a conference, one audience member asked why a major newspaper doesn't run a big headline like: Yesterday 24,000 People Could Have Been Saved With Basic Health Care. John Donnelly of the Boston Globe did.... posted on Feb 14 2003, 911 reads


He's 22, leads an organization with four employees, and through his website is able to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars in a matter of days and move thousands of people to action. That's Eli Pariser of ... he's redefining peace activism and highlighting the power of the web as a tool for organization.... posted on Feb 13 2003, 1,446 reads


For every one dollar sent to the poorest countries in aid, 1.30 is sent back to the lenders (rich countries) as debt repayment. For instance, Africa spends over 14.5 billion dollars yearly repaying debts. It receives only 12.7 billion in aid.... posted on Feb 12 2003, 1,049 reads


About three million Americans have a stuttering problem, and it affects four times as many men as women. In Greenville, North Carolina there's a medical breakthrough that immediately gives clear speech to stutterers. It's based on a simple principle -- fool the brain into thinking someone else is speaking at the same time. After years of being ridiculed and made fun of as a stutterer himself, Dr... posted on Feb 11 2003, 1,097 reads


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